Developing multilingual identity through participation in the languages classroom


主讲人:Linda Fisher,英国剑桥大学教授 博士生导师




主讲人介绍:琳达?费舍尔是英国剑桥大学博士(PhD)、剑桥大学教育学院教授、博士生导师、剑桥大学麦得琳学院教务长,担任剑桥大学、牛津大学、伦敦大学、杜伦大学等大学博士学位论文评审专家,担任多个国际学术刊物匿名评审,是多个学术团体会员,包括英国应用语言学学会、英国教育研究协会、语言学习协会、剑桥语言科学、剑桥双语联盟。研究兴趣:多语言主义、多语言认同、语言学习中的创造性、与信念图式相关的隐喻、第二语言教师教育、动机、英语作为额外语言学习者的学术和社会融合、教师教育研究的社会文化视角、语言政策。获得英国艺术与人文研究委员会(AHRC)大型项目  “开放世界研究计划”的科研资助,是MEITS项目联合主持人和教育子课题负责人,也是AHRC另一个大型资助项目Creative  Multilingualism的联合主持人。近十年发表SSCI论文30多篇,出版专著数部。她的主要教学职责是为现代语言教育学证书硕士生(PGCE)、从事第二语言教育研究的硕士生、从事多语言身份、语言学习者和教师信念、教师教育和动机等研究领域的博士生提供指导。  

内容介绍:While both multilingualism and linguistic identity have been the focus of much  researcher attention in second language acquisition, learners’ multilingual  identity is only now beginning to be researched. In this talk I present the  three key theoretical perspectives on identity (the psychosocial, sociocultural  and poststructural) and examine points of intersection and difference, before  proposing a new framework for a multi-theoretical approach to the  conceptualisation and investigation of multilingual identity. This places it at  the nexus of (a) individual psychological development, (b), the relational and  social, and (c) the historical and contextual. I then present a theorised model  for classroom practice that provides a structure within which individual  learners of a foreign language might explicitly consider their identity and  identifications. Empirical research investigating this model in Secondary School  classrooms in England will be presented. Findings suggest that participation in  dialogic engagement with regard to sociolinguistic knowledge, for example, may  lead to greater investment in language learning.