
Generalizations and applications of the John ellipsoid in convex geometry


主讲人:熊革 同济大学教授


地点:腾讯会议 850 6441 4458


主讲人介绍:熊革,同济大学教授、博士生导师。主要研究凸体几何。他解决了? 静电容量的Minkowski问题;提出并证明了“? transference principle”, 对? Brunn-Minkowski 型不等式进行了统一处理。他解决了凸体几何中的几个公开问题,包括锥体积泛函仿射极值的 Lutwak-Yang-Zhang 公开问题的2,3维情形;由截面确定凸体的 Baker-Larman 公开问题的2维情形;完全解决了 G. Zhang 关于凸体的 John 椭球与对偶惯性椭球的一致性问题。 他在国际纯数学重要期刊如 JDG,Adv. Math.,JFA,CVPDE,IUMJ,IMRN, CAG,Israel J. Math.,DCG,BLMS 等发表论文近30篇。

内容介绍:It is known that there exists a unique ellipsoid of maximal volume inside a convex body (a compact convex set with non-empty interiors) in ?? . This ellipsoid is called John ellipsoid (named after mathematician Fritz John), and has many applications in convex geometry, functional analysis, and optimizations. In this talk, I will summarize our various work related to John ellipsoid. This work has been an important topic for our group over the past 10 years.