






主讲人介绍:广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院教授、硕导、副院长、学术委员,教育部重点人文社科研究基地外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心兼职研究员、校级重点人文社科研究基地“机构话语研究中心”负责人。博士毕业于日本九州大学比较社会文化研究院。研究领域包括话语语言学、外语课程、教材、教学法、教师发展。发表学术专著1 部、论文20 余篇,多篇被SSCI、A&HCI、CSSCI 等索引期刊收录。主持完成教育部人文社科规划项目1 项,参与国家级和省部级项目多项。宁波诺丁汉大学、加拿大女王大学访问学者。

内容介绍:At the turn of the new century, countries around the world, especially in Asia, have competed to expand English education to younger learners in primary schools. Transfer-post teachers (zhuangang jiaoshi, 转岗教师), who are local primary school teachers transferred to teach English, have become the main coping strategy to address the teacher shortage due to the English curriculum reform in China. What has often been overlooked is how these transfer-post teachers navigate their identities and how this may contribute to the success or unsuccess in their professional development. By probing into the identity construction experiences of three transfer-post teachers in a rural region, this paper has found that (1) the basic aspect of their identity has been the institutionally assigned identity, which is rule-based and determined by the educational reform mandates; (2) some of the teachers have been more successful than others in transforming their identities from a rule-based one to a schema-based and creative one by varying degrees of engagement in professional development, which suggests the importance of teacher agency and transforming power in educational reforms; (3) by means of making sometimes imaginative and hypothetical remarks, they have constructed for themselves creative and ideal identities which are in stark contrast with their assigned or rule-based identities. Theoretical and practical implications and recommendations on teacher empowerment and teacher development have been offered.